Type of projects we can undertake

  • Medical networks, including doctors, clinics and hospitals
  • Location-specific medical solutions for corporate or NGO projects
  • Linking companies to medical assistance companies able to provide full-range services – placing payments, vetting bills, medical case management, directional care, family support, medical and non-medical transportation.
  • Third-party administrators to handle high volume processing of medical bills
  • Medical cost containment solutions
  • Connecting with specialists who can build international insurance programs in travel, health and business risks
  • Air ambulance networks globally or focussed on regional needs
  • Travel agents specialising in medical assistance (stretchers, seating requirements, mobility issues)
  • Assistance companies and medical escorts specialising in repatriation by commercial airline using medicalised stretchers
  • Door-to-door non-medical service to help with mobility and travel needs
  • Telehealth including wellbeing
  • Advising medical assistance companies on diversification, for example, connected medical devices and care for the elderly